Invitation à Stauning

Auteur: G. Fourdrain - Publié le 05 mai 2017 - Catégorie : Actualités, Divers

Dear friends,

More than 50 years ago I was one of the founding fathers of Stauning Airport. Despite turning 90 next month I am still pulling some strings in relation to the airport.
I have now decided that we need a lot more activities and action at Stauning Airport, among other things by inviting all pilots in Europe to make a stop in Stauning!
The western part of Jutland has a lot to offer, and since I don’t want you to miss the opportunity, you are hereby invited to the amazing Western Jutland.

Many of you I have met over the years on Endelave. Now maybe we will meet in Stauning, or you can stop at my home headquarter passing by. I live just 10 kilometres north of Stauning Airport.

Please forward to flying friends !

Best Regards,

Jens Toft

Toft Air Force

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